Batout Guilbaud
Hôtel de la Marine | 4, rue Royale, Paris 8e
About us
Michel Guilbaud and Jérôme Batout founded Batout Guilbaud in 2019, with the aim of bridging economics, politics, strategy, and diplomacy in Paris & Brussels. The firm helps corporations, NGOs and funds to develop sustainable views, and provides counsel for decision-making.
Our Approach
Batout Guilbaud provides its transversal expertise to assist top executives, NGOs, professional organizations and investment funds in designing and implementing their strategic ambitions.
With extensive sector-specific knowledge and experience in health, tech, energy, and transportation industries, our firm mobilizes a broad range of skills and practices to best answer its clients’ needs in all complex situations.
Thanks to founders Jérôme Batout and Michel Guilbaud, we have a vast professional network in Paris and Brussels, coupled with a strong team of analysts with best-in-class training in business and politics.
Michel Guilbaud
Michel Guilbaud has worked for thirty years to connect private and public sectors. He headed institutions in the fields of economic development and public regulation.
As an Ingénieur Général des Mines, he worked in various sectors throughout his career: energy policy at the Ministry of Industry, European affairs at the SGAE, innovation programs at OSEO Innovation, economic regulation and corporate development as a leader of Christine Lagarde and Hervé Novelli’s staff at the Ministry of Finance, governmental negotiations and economic policy at the MEDEF.
Jérôme Batout
Jérôme Batout has twenty years' experience in consulting, in which he successively conducted academic studies, and economic or governmental affairs.
As a Doctor of Economics and Philosophy, he taught finance at Beijing University (Beida) and the London School of Economics for a decade. He was a long-time contributor to the intellectual review Le Débat. Throughout his career, he developed multiple consulting styles: corporate banking at Crédit Suisse, public affairs at Publicis, and political strategy for Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault.
March 2022
Ne laissons pas une fracture se créer entre indépendants et salariés
August 2021
La visibilité des énergies est un gage de responsabilité écologique
July 2021
Innovation et recherche : mieux que les milliards, une stratégie
June 2021
Après les GAFA, les futurs géants de la transition écologique seront-ils américains ?
May 2021
Le Conseil stratégique des industries de santé, Ségur de l’innovation thérapeutique
February 2021
Draghi, Macron, vie et mort du "quoi qu'il en coûte"
December 2020
Vaccin : comment éviter un nouveau fiasco
August 2020
Faisons le pari écologique avec sang-froid
June 2020
Michel Guilbaud & Jérôme Batout founded the firm.
Batout Guilbaud